The ECOVIS Network
ECOVIS Clark Jacobs is now part of one of the world’s fastest growing accounting networks, Ecovis. The name Ecovis, a combination of the terms economy and vision, expresses both its international character and its focus on the future and growth of our clients.
The Ecovis network now spans 80 countries and gives ECOVIS Clark Jacobs direct access to 8,500 accounting, tax, audit and legal professionals across the globe. Our membership of this network significantly enhances our ability to source qualified experts for our clients seeking to expand their businesses into jurisdictions outside of Australia, along with enabling us to share ideas and information throughout the world’s major business and finance centres.
This means our clients now have access to:
- Firms across the globe who share the ECOVIS Clark Jacobs vision and values, and who have a similarly high service levels to ours.
- Specialist and local expertise in the particular jurisdiction you will be doing business in.
- Information on trends and changes from each of the ECOVIS offices to ensure you are fully informed of potential issues which could affect your business.